Thursday, December 9, 2010

Error 0x8004a029 when installing Shrewsoft VPN client on Windows 7

During install, I receive "Error 0x8004a029: Couldn't install
the network component".

Error 0x8004a029 means that the maximum number of filter devices for the system has been reached. Other similar software ( VPN clients, 3rd party firewalls, etc ) install filters. You can either attempt to remove other software that has installed a filter, or attempt to increase the following registry entry value to allow more filters to be installed.


Monday, November 1, 2010


Plotting a file with measurement data (in the range of around 0.001)
  • plot "dump.csv" notitle with lines
  • set yrange [0:0.002]
  • set xtics 0,500,1000
Output to .eps
  • set term push
    set terminal postscript eps color lw 1 "Helvetica" 20
    set out 'a.eps'
    set term pop

Monday, October 25, 2010

Regular expressions in Notepad++

(.*) denotes an arbitrary number of characters

to select everything up to the text "foo", the regular expression is

(.*) (foo)

Sort a text file alphabetically


perl -e ' while(<>) { push @lines, $_; } warn "\nSorted $. lines in ascending alphabetical order, ignoring case\n\n"; print sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @lines ' unsorted > sorted_nc_asc

Monday, June 7, 2010

Install Linux on Lite5200b

In this setup, the Lit5200b boot loader will load the kernel via TFTP from the host PC and mount the root file system via NFS.

Configuration of host PC
  • Ubuntu 8.10
  • NFS kernel modules
  • tftpd
Installation of ltib
  • Download mpc5200_lite5200b_20070203_ltib-rc4.iso
  • Mount the iso file
  • Run install script in ISO and choose install directory
  • Run ltib script in the install directory. Compile problems? Check here.
Preparing boot loader
  • Not all options printed in the manual are needed. Check recursively from "bootcmd"
  • Mounting of the NFS file system may take ages. Make sure that in rc.conf, portmap is loaded before the file systems are mounted. When the ltib configuration changes, rc.conf is set to the defaults, so you will need to do this again.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Embed linked images in Word

The problem: doxygen (a great tool for generating documentation for C++ source code) can produce RTF files as output. The images that are generated (class diagrams etc) are included as links in the document. As a result, when you copy-paste the content from the document or move the image files, the images disappear.

The solution: Open the RTF, select an image, and press Ctrl-Shift-F9. That's it. Doing the same via the scenic route: Choose Edit->Links, select all files, click "Break Links".

Caution: Don't try to be smart and select all before you press Ctrl-Shift-F9 because this will destroy automatically maintained text such as figure numbers or the table of contents.